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KuraCats Deluxe Postcard Set


Set of postcards with the complete set of 6 KuraCats scenes. Enjoy each step of the sake-making process with these charming illustrations. Great for sending as postcards, or for decorating as mini art prints.


Set of six 10 x 14cm cards are printed in vertical orientation on fine cardstock, with scene title on reverse side. Set comes in semi-transparent paper envelope with washi-paper obi band.






蒸米の体操 Steaming the rice

麹作りの踊り Sprinkling the Koji

醪造り Watching over the moromi

杉玉 Hanging the Sugidama

初お披露目 Presenting this season’s saké

配達準備 Off for delivery


This makes a lovely gift for any sake lover. 



Deluxe Post Card Set デラックス ポストカードセット

Sales Tax Included
  • Erica Ward has selected Neco Republic for her supported charity cause for this release. For each sale of this product, 20% (¥200) is allocated to Neco Republic from Erica and the Kura Cats. For more infomation on the work of Neco Republic please see their website.

    Erica Ward氏は、今回の発売にあたり、支援している慈善団体に「ネコ・リパブリック」を選びました。この商品の売上の20%(200円)が、エリカさんと蔵猫たちからネコ・リパブリックに寄付されます。  ネコ・リパブリックの活動についての詳細は、ウェブサイトをご覧ください。

  • Japan Domestic Shipping Available ・日本国内配送可能

    International Shipping Available・ 国際配送可能 

    ATTENTION EU CUSTOMERS: starting July 1st, 2021 new laws for import customs fees have been put in place. You may be required to pay a fee on your incoming parcel from Japan, regardless of its monetary value. Please check your country's import fees before ordering from Japan.


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In Japan, drinking alcohol under the age of 20 is prohibited by law. We do not sell alcohol beverages to consumers under the age of 20.

Driving while intoxicated is prohibited by law. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy or lactation may adversely affect the development of a child.

Drink alcohol safely and in moderation.  Recycle materials after drinking. If you appear to be under the age of 20, we will always check your age.


- Craft Instinct Japan クラフト・インスティンクト・ジャパン合同会社

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